Psychology Labs and Resources


Department of Psychology

Obtaining Lab Access for Research

Dissertation, Masters & PhD

Access for Coursework

Level C & I Students

Procedure for Level H Dissertation, Masters, & PhD students

Lab access is typically, but not always, limited to students undertaking dissertation research.

At Level H and M, students using labs for dissertations will be guided by their supervisors to complete ethics forms and risk assessments for their projects. When both risk assessments and ethics have been approved Level H dissertation students will be able to apply for access to the Psychology labs.

  1. You must have completed your research proposal
  2. You must have completed an appropriate risk assessment
  3. You must have obtained ethical approval
  4. Go to the link iconLab Access Form. You will need a password to access the form. This can be found on the Department of Psychology Moodle
  5. Input your name, student number, email address and level of study then click the next arrow button
  6. Answer the questions on the next screen and submit your responses

If you have correctly completed the form you will receive an email stating that you have been granted access to the Psychology Labs. This email will also be sent to the IT Helpdesk who will update your card swipe access. This may not always occur immediately as the team will have a number of priorities. If you need urgent access, take a copy of the email to the IT Helpdesk in the Library.

You must keep your risk assessment in the folder in the lab in which you are working. If your risk assessment is not displayed your bookings will be cancelled until you place it in the folder. Please read carefully the Standard Operating procedures on the wall near the door in the lab that yoiu are using. This document outlines the safe use of the lab and indicates who the first aiders are, and how to access help in an emergency.

If you have any queries please contact Dr Glen Pennington (Lab Manager) on

Procedure for Level I students

During your studies you may need lab access for coursework that is part of your timetabled sessions. This research is typically covered by a blanket ethical approval that relates specifically to the taught elements of the coursework. Your tutor will advise if this is necessary

  1. Go to the link iconLab Access Form. You will need a password to access the form. This can be found on the Department of Psychology Moodle
  2. Input your name, student number, email address and level of study then click the next arrow button
  3. Answer the questions on the next screen and submit your responses as per guidance from your tutor
  4. Email Glen, and ask for your SONA account to be set to Researcher
  5. Use SONA to book a lab using the Non-Credit Student Participation option

Level C students

In Psychology at Hope we actively encourage students at all levels of study to become involved in research. Research is such a big part of what we do as psychologists, and being involved in a culture of research will provide an excellent base for your future career in psychology

At Levels C & I, involvement in research is typically by virtue of being a participant in staff, postgraduate, and dissertation student research projects for course credits. This is a course requirement so please see link iconParticipant Scheme (SONA) for further information